
Bytecoin updates its software with the most state of the art in the world for anonymous cryptocurrencies

February 6, 2018
Bytecoin updates its software with the most state of the art in the world for anonymous cryptocurrencies

Bytecoin, which is known as the fully-anonymous cryptocurrency which first implemented the CryptoNote protocol, is publishing a major software update. This update has proven to solve Bytecoin’s most essential technical issues as well as improve both the stability of the system and its reliability.

According to the 2018 Bytecoin Roadmap, February 6th is the day when BCN users will be able to experience the new Bytecoin Beta Release. In case this term doesn’t help make it clear for you then please take a look at the details that the Bytecoin Development Team has mentioned below and imagine how this major update will influence Bytecoin’s current position. This massive update, according to the provided details, is the result of meticulous work conducted by Bytecoin’s team of anonymous developers and will lead Bytecoin to even greater popularity than ever before.

As for the back-end part of the update (which as always is divided in the BytecoinD and WalletD parts), the Bytecoin Development Team has decided to implement the following features to improve the speed and reliability of the software. In addition to this, the release of this software will also appear in a new GitHub Repository:


  • LMDB library as a standard to optimise the blockchain size from ~ 50 to ~ 25 GB
  • Instant starting and stopping daemon
  • Parallel “torrent-like” downloading of the database which allows user to download blocks at the same time from different peers
  • New API has been simplified and it’s easier to integrate with it. Ports and endpoints remain the same

The updates above will help make the BCN software more stable than ever. As a result, there’s almost 0% corruption of the database. Moreover, the LMDB and the New Downloader working together have reduced the total sync time (average sync time for SSD from 2hrs, HDD from 8 hrs).


  • Earlier the wallet file was used to store keys, the history of transactions, and the cache. In the new WalletD the .wallet file contains keys only. The history and cache are divided into their own folders. For this reason the .wallet file won’t increase it’s size. The wallet file is extremely compact, easier to backup, and almost completely immune to corruption. You can create cache, without touching keys and history. The new *.wallet file is compatible with the old one.
  • Send Proof. It’s a cryptographic object which is able to prove that the creator of this object has really sent the coins. E.G. In case Alice has sent the coins to Bob, then Bob can ask Alice the proof of sent. This is a method of solving disputes. (Coming soon - next beta).

The front-end part has been updated significantly as well and mostly influenced by the major back-end implementations. The new design and variety of new features have been made available to implement by Bytecoin’s community of enthusiasts, working in tandem with the Dev Team. Take a brief look at the GUI updates:

  • Early support for dynamic fees included. The size of the fee depends on the market’s overload/loading/etc.
  • Detailed info about your coins such as spendable dust, and locked or unconfirmed coins, etc.
  • Console available on the dashboard. Monitor your daemon activity and easily make reports by copying the stats to a clipboard
  • Unified and simplified API (The GUI client now works with the same API as the exchange platforms and merchants)
  • Contacts section has been improved. Now the contacts are stored separately from the *.wallet file to make its file smaller.
  • Redirect the blockchain to the folder you’d like to store it.

The Bytecoin Team has rushed into this year with a few essential marketing updates and it’s time for the Developers to release the new software versions. Moreover, according to Bytecoin’s 2018 Roadmap this coin is going to be heavily involved in the Asian market for the 1st quarter, and these events (including today’s release) are going to bring Bytecoin to new and even greater heights for the 1st fully-anonymous cryptocurrency.

Yours truly,

The Bytecoin Team

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